
Content Management Systems.

Manage your content with Dizilogy

With 10 years of experience in designing, building, and deploying Content Management Systems (CMS), we specialize in both custom-built, off-the-shelf, and open-source solutions. Our philosophy prioritizes ease of use, ensuring our clients can manage their website content effortlessly. By hiding system complexity behind simple, user-friendly interfaces, we make content management straightforward. We leverage a variety of CMS platforms, and if none suit your business needs, we can develop one from scratch. Here are some CMS systems we specialize in:


WordPress is a robust and feature-rich Content Management System. Our expertise includes deploying WordPress sites, creating custom themes, and integrating plugins and custom code to enhance WordPress functionality.


WooCommerce is a robust, feature-packed Content Management System for e-commerce sites built on WordPress. It offers great features and is fully modular, allowing for easy extension of functionality.


Shopify is an excellent hosted e-commerce Content Management System (CMS) with a user-friendly admin interface. It simplifies content, product, and order management, making it a favorite among clients.

Conveniently Located.

We've been lucky enough to work with clients from all over India
from Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Chandigarh. Mohali,
However, if you are in Amritsar, there's nothing nicer than meeting face to face.

Dizilogy - Amritsar

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